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Supercharging MicroStrategy for Trillions of Rows with Next Generation OLAP

With the ever-growing volumes of data, it’s becoming challenging for business users to perform analytics on massive data on the cloud. Your existing BI tools like MicroStrategy are suitable for small datasets, but when it comes to analyzing cloud-scale data, they fail to meet growing business requirements. When thousands of business users across the enterprise fire complex queries on massive datasets on the cloud, they have to wait for hours or minutes to get the results instead of instant responses. As a result, visualizations and dashboards become sluggish.
Today, businesses need a solution that can help them overcome the cost, scale, and performance challenges faced while analyzing massive data on MicroStrategy while providing a unified view of their entire data.

Kyvos, a cloud-native BI acceleration platform, helps overcome the challenges of in-memory platforms and introduces you to a new generation of OLAP for self-service analytics at a massive scale.

Learn more about how Kyvos can accelerate analytics on cloud-scale data with existing BI tools. Also, the webcast presents some of our real-time use cases where our customers have achieved incredible performance without compromising on the scale.

Watch the webcast to know how:

  • Traditional OLAP tools degrade the performance of complex BI queries.
  • Kyvos brings in next-generation OLAP designed for the cloud and data lakes.
  • Kyvos accelerates MicroStrategy to take your experience to the next level.

Watch our Webcast

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