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Leverage high-speed,
multi-dimensional analytics
on your cloud




Unlock the capabilities of data analytics at flexible speeds and scales within a cloud environment. Leverage the on-demand pricing model to deploy Kyvos on a cloud infrastructure, ensuring you only incur charges for the resources and services utilized. Explore the comprehensive potential of your data from diverse sources to enhance strategic business decisions, seamlessly integrated into your chosen cloud platform. Stay ahead with Kyvos.


Fast, scalable and cost-effective data analytics platform,
now with GenAI


Achieve faster, simpler analytics on
massive data on any cloud

Deploy directly

Start in just few clicks, directly from your cloud marketplace account. No more waiting for budgets, approvals or licensing, or investing in on-premises hardware.

Pay-as-you-go model

Access and use Kyvos within the cloud infrastructure at the lowest costs. No long-term contracts or upfront payments.

Any volume of data

Ingest, store and analyze any volume of data from multiple sources. Scale up or down easily to match workload and data volume.

Eliminate data complexity

Kyvos simplifies complex analytics and predictive modeling. Spot trends, identify opportunities and gain a competitive edge.


Analytical data warehouse

Kyvos eliminates the need to maintain separate data warehouses for storing aggregated and non-aggregated data. 

Reduce TCO

Hierarchical data models and tabular data for lightning-fast queries on a single data source.

Well-integrated interface

Empower all users with simple analytics workflows using any BI tool of choice.

Instant insights

Super fast insights from larger and wider datasets.

No-limits analytics

No-compromise performance as concurrency, data volumes and complexities grow.

OLAP modernization

Universal semantic layer

Kyvos universal semantic layer organizes, simplifies and accelerates the consumption of unified data to ensure a consistent, standardized and trusted view.

Simplify analytics

Hide data complexities and standardize business logic across the enterprise.

Multidimensional insights

Experience interactive analytics on raw or aggregated data.

Self-service querying

Get the answers from any data source, on any analytics tool.

Designed for the cloud

Unify business logic across different BI tools for scalable analysis on the cloud.

Universal semantic layer

Data mesh

Kyvos creates data models to combine domain-level data products into a universal semantic layer, ensuring single representation of all your data and high-speed querying.

High performance analytics

Intuitive slice and dice analytics patterns across entire spectrum of query space.

Build data products

Create and deliver optimized and intuitive data products.

Universal semantic layer

Business-friendly semantic layer in the language of the end-users.

Inter-domain analysis

Blended data products to enable integrated analysis across domains.

Data Mesh

BI & reporting

Kyvos’ built-in data science and machine learning capabilities enable enterprises to go beyond typical BI and experience a digital transformation like never before.

Interactive dashboards

Customizable 360° dashboards to see the picture or granular.

Forecast with confidence

Find hidden patterns and insights from any volume of data with AutoML.

Real-time analytics

Analyze real-time data from multiple sources – including live streaming data.

Mobile analytics

Access business insights with a simple tap and swipe on your mobile.

BI and Reporting


AI-driven analytics for
leading global enterprises

Kyvos for free, now and forever

Experience the complimentary, single-node version of Kyvos. Start today with no license cost and pay only for the cloud infrastructure you consume.

Learning and Insights

Stay ahead of the curve



High-Speed Data Analytics on the Cloud Think Big with Modern OLAP


Leading Fintech Eliminates Analytical Silos on Google BigQuery


Kyvos for AWS: Instant Insights on Trillions of Rows of Data on the Cloud

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Above and Beyond Cloud Analytics: Kyvos’ Unique Approach on Azure

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Experience the power
of Kyvos

Make game-changing decisions with superfast insights into your business.

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