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Kyvos + Databricks

Highest Analytics Performance at Any Scale


Analyze data at any scale, on any cloud platform, using any analytics tool leveraging the combined power of Kyvos and Databricks.


Fastest Queries

Slice and dice, roll up, drill down, and explore trillions of rows in sub-seconds. Create interactive dashboards and drive decisions.

Use any Analytics Tool

Nothing changes for your business users. They can use any analytics or data science tool with high performance at massive scale.


Cloud-Native OLAP

Easily migrate from traditional OLAP solutions to our next-gen OLAP technology and scale your analytics initiatives to keep up with your growing business.


Universal Semantic Layer

Create a unified data model for your enterprise. Deliver live data access to single source of truth for thousands of users across the enterprise.


Elastic Deployment

Optimize your compute, storage, and querying costs with our built-in elasticity and autoscaling capabilities.


Deal with Complexity

Automate data engineering with our advanced data modeling. Translate complex business logic into optimized data models without coding.

Analyze More Data
Cloud Cost Optimization
The Difference

Experience the Power of
Speed at Scale

High-Performance Analytics Architecture


Technical Details

Smart Pre-Aggregation on Databricks

The powerful combination of Kyvos’ Smart Pre-Aggregation technology with Databricks lets you analyze cloud-scale data instantly. With the help of massively scalable OLAP models Databricks users can slice and dice across hundreds of dimensions and measures, drill down to lowest levels of granularity, and achieve high performance analytics for any number of concurrencies.


Universal Semantic Layer

Kyvos creates a high-performing semantic Layer on the cloud that lets you define all your complex business logic in a single place and create a single standard for consuming and driving enterprise-wide analytics. Our intuitive drag and drop feature makes analytics easy and interactive.


Support for all Analytics Tools

Achieve seamless connection on any analytics tool with Kyvos’ in-built SQL and MDX connectors. Kyvos delivers unmatched performance on all major analytics tools, including MicroStrategy, Power BI, Tableau, Excel, Spotfire, Cognos, and data science tools like R and Python.


Optimize Analytics Costs

Optimize querying cost on the cloud with our create once, query multiple times approach. Scale for thousands of users without any significant impact on cost. You can further cut down your analytics costs to deal with load variations using our scheduled auto-scaling feature. This allows you to scale up and down to deal with the predictable load changes without any disruption.


No code Data Modeling

Our visual, code-free designer lets you define data relationships and build reports using a simple drag and drop functionality, reducing dependency on IT teams. Advanced data modeling capabilities make it easy to convert complex business logic into optimized data models.





9 Signs that your Organization Needs an Analytics Acceleration Platform



Kyvos + Databricks: The Powerful Duo for Fastest Analytics on the Cloud at the Lowest Costs


Case Study

Retail Chain Transforms Customer Experiences with Analytics Acceleration

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