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Kyvos + MicroStrategy: Maximizing
BI and Analytics ROI on the Cloud

When it comes to analytics, MicroStrategy lets you create interactive dashboards and dossiers for visualizing your data intuitively. However, with growing data MicroStrategy starts struggling and users need to create multiple MicroStrategy intelligent cubes to accommodate this data.

To make the most of their BI investments, enterprises need instant insights on billions of rows and enable users to drill down to the granular details. They also want to create a single, consolidated view of all their data without being limited by memory.

Kyvos is an OLAP-based BI acceleration platform that accelerates the performance of MicroStrategy dashboards, on cloud platforms like AWS, Azure and GCP and cloud data warehouses like Snowflake, Redshift and BigQuery. Our Smart OLAP™ technology enables interactive, multidimensional analytics on previously unthinkable amounts of data and lets businesses generate optimum ROI on their BI and analytics investments.

Read about our customer successes and learn how MicroStrategy on Kyvos is enabling leading enterprises across industries to:

  • Achieve instant, self-service analysis on all their data
  • Consolidate multiple MicroStrategy cubes into a single Kyvos cube
  • Scale infinitely at a fraction of their existing cost
  • Maximize their BI and analytics ROI on the cloud with MicroStrategy

Read our EBOOK

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