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What this blog covers:

  • Kyvos and Databricks can deliver the world’s fastest BI on the cloud at the lowest costs.
  • What will users gain from this powerful combination.
  • How do Kyvos and Databricks work.
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Kyvos is thrilled to be a silver sponsor at the Data + AI Summit 2022, the world’s largest data and AI conference, scheduled for June 27-30 in San Francisco.The conference is an excellent opportunity to connect with experts from the data and analytics communities and get insights on how to build a modern data stack.

Join us to learn how the powerful duo of Kyvos and Databricks delivers the fastest BI on the cloud at the lowest costs.

Why Kyvos + Databricks?

The shift to the cloud brings a host of benefits, but as enterprises move all of their workloads to the cloud, it becomes challenging to deliver the promised ROI on their cloud investments while meeting the growing analytical needs of their business users. The rapid growth of data and the rising costs of enabling analytics on these massive datasets makes it difficult to balance the interactivity needs of the users and its cost implications.

Today, businesses need the ability to accelerate Cloud BI on massive datasets without exploding their costs and with minimum impact on their end-users. And that’s what we’ll present at this year’s summit – the powerful duo of Kyvos and Databricks for accelerating cloud BI at scale.

By leveraging Databricks’ high-performance execution engine, Kyvos accelerates BI on massive data volumes while creating a unified semantic layer on the cloud. The combined power of Databricks and Kyvos enables sub-second query responses on billions and trillions of rows of data stored on the cloud while ensuring optimal utilization of cloud resources. Additionally, users have the flexibility to plug in their BI tools such as Tableau, Excel, Power BI, MicroStrategy, or any other tool of choice and perform interactive analytics in a familiar environment.

As a result, users get:

  • Fastest performance on any scale
  • High concurrency catering to thousands of users
  • Optimized resources – compute, storage, and query
  • Complex analysis at the granularity demanded by business
  • Modernized BI architecture with the ability to scale up instantly

The Magical Combination of the World’s Fastest Execution Engine and the Most Powerful BI Acceleration Platform

The combined benefits of Databricks and Kyvos, two powerful platforms, can help enterprises scale their cloud BI capabilities cost-effectively to support thousands of concurrent users who need to analyze billions of rows of data and get instant results.

Let’s deep dive to see how these two platforms work together.

Synergizing Databricks’ Compute Power and Kyvos’ BI Acceleration Capabilities

Databricks compute engine is very powerful, while Kyvos has the inbuilt capabilities to build OLAP models on extremely large and complex datasets. Working together, they enable enterprises to quickly aggregate all of their data and build OLAP cubes on the cloud. As these cubes are not limited by the size of data or level of granularity, users can get interactive responses on a previously unimaginable scale.

Combined Elasticity for Cost-effective BI on the Cloud

Databricks is known for its elasticity. It can automatically adjust to changing workload demands without any manual intervention. Kyvos leverages this and its own native elastic capabilities to deliver cost-effective analytics on the cloud. Cloud-native architecture helps maximize resource utilization and keeps a tab on costs during cube builds. This becomes extremely significant while dealing with massive cloud data. Additionally, the combined elasticity of both the platforms helps manage costs during incremental builds and cube rebuilds while automating the entire process.

Massively Scalable and Secure BI on the Cloud

Kyvos’ ability to deal with massive datasets and deliver performance provides scalability for companies implementing analytics on the cloud. Business leaders can drive more value from their BI initiatives by improving the scale and speed of their analytical processes. OLAP models can be built both on Delta Table as well as on ADLS. Kyvos respects Databricks security protocols during cube build as well as offers advanced security features with row and column-level security for controlling data access at the most granular level.

Cloud Semantic Layer for Databricks Users

Another key advantage of this synergy is that Databricks users get a highly performant Cloud Semantic Layer. They can perform interactive analysis on their data and leverage the benefits of an OLAP solution on their Databricks environment. The performance users get due to this synergy cannot be achieved using any other technology, especially at this scale. This promotes business user adoption and helps in data democratization.

To learn more about how you can accelerate your BI with Kyvos, solve scalability issues, replace your legacy OLAP solutions and make data-driven decisions, download our Solution Brief now.

Want to experience Kyvos? We can arrange a custom demo for you.

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What is cloud business intelligence?

Cloud Business Intelligence is the deployment of business intelligence tools on cloud infrastructure, which can then be retrieved via virtual networks such as the Internet. They are used to provide business intelligence data to firms through dashboards and KPIs.

What are the 3 benefits of cloud business intelligence?

The three benefits of Cloud Business Intelligence are: 1. Cloud BI solutions are simple to use and set up for users because they can be deployed using internet-based software rather than waiting for IT professionals. 2. Businesses do not need a massive hardware and software acquisition budget; instead, they only pay for the computing resources they require. 3. Moreover, Cloud BI applications can access and share data remotely and across locations.

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