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The world is at the crossroads of an unexpected challenge. As we all fight this TOGETHER, we are confident that we will overcome and come out stronger. Governments, Hospitals, Pharma companies, and others are doing all they can to contain and cure the pandemic. Our contribution to these efforts is to enable such organizations to operate and make decisions based on available data without worrying about its size or scale. We are therefore offering free unlimited licenses to all government and health organizations across the globe who are working tirelessly to get us out of the COVID-19 crisis.

Since time is at a premium, we feel that these organizations need instant visibility into global and local trends as well as get deep insights into massive amounts of data, we are talking about analyzing trillions of rows in sub-seconds and going into minutest of details. These are the times when we need easy monitoring, accurate estimations, and quick actions. If our platform can cause even a little difference, we will feel privileged.

This will not only help you plan our actions better for the current situation but also prepare our governments for future pandemics.

Please click here to help us reach out to you.

Times ahead are challenging, and how we act over the next couple of months can shape the future of the world.

We are all in this together.

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